Pet Peeve Comments

Pushing My Buttons

I agree with your first statement. I used to ride the bus. The people who do not understand that you must let people off before you get on really bug me.

People who chew with their mouths open are the scourge of the earth. First off, it to a nuisance to everyone around them. Second, do they not realize how bad their breath smells?

Pet Peeves

Everyone has them. Some are minor, while others seem to drive you over the edge. What are they? Pet peeves. Those things that annoy us. What annoys you and why? What drives you nuts?


Do you want me to write a book about my “pet peeves”? I can. You are playing with fire when asking me about my “pet peeves”. Let me tell you a little about myself. Have you ever seen the show “Curb Your Enthusiasm”? Basically, it is a show about Larry David and the things that annoy him. It is a rough draft of my life.

First off, let me tell you about the human condition. People see things as they are. But when someone makes a statement that is above and beyond the norm, that becomes the new norm. My standard example is the phrase “Three sheets”. I have heard people say “He was 10 sheets to the wind!” “Oh  my gosh! that girl was like, 20 sheets!”

When does it end? 1000 sheets? 10,0000 sheets? Eventually the phrase will be 1,000,000 sheets to the wind. Well, the phrase is 3 sheets, which is why I use it as it is intended; 3 sheets to the wind is the proper phrase and I refuse to go any more sheets.

Another “pet peeve” of mine is “like”, as in “he was, like, totally being ridiculous”. If he was being ridiculous, own up to it. You don’t have to quantify you statement with “like”. “I was like, don’t go there!” If you don’t want me to go there, then just say it, you don’t have to act as in a way that you were “like” something. If you don’t want me to go ‘there’ then own up to it.

Another one is ‘totally’. The majority of the time ‘totally’ does not apply to the sentiment being expressed. ‘Totally’ is a word made to express the notion encompassing all of the things. But in the vernacular, ‘totally’ has come to be a statement which encompasses only the feelings the person had at a given moment.

I could go on, and on. But for the sake of time, I will stop here. If you wish, you can inquire about more of my pet peeves, but do so at you own risk.

comments week of october 15

Social Media and PR

It is very interesting to see where social media will be in five or ten years. Will we even recognize it? There may even be some new website that makes the others obsolete.

Social Media & PR

Thats what I said, social media is now a primary focus of what a PR professional must do. Since social media can connect with a potential customer so quickly, it is a must and I said in my blog that any company not utilizing social media is putting themselves at a severe disadvantage.

Social Media and PR discussion

As stated in your syllabus, the aim of this class is to “explore emerging social media technologies and study their ethical application in contemporary public relations practice.” From what you have learned so far from this course, and in your personal experiences, why is social media important in public relations? How can social media be used effectively in a public relations campaign and in everyday public relations efforts?

I have learned that social media is now a staple of business marketing. Nay company who is not utilizing some form of social media is a dinosaur. The beauty of social media when it comes to businesses is that the users are already in an environment they want to be in; i.e. they are happy (no one goes on social media and has a terrible time). Plus, it’s free. Sure you have to have an employee manage it, but the increase in brand awareness and sales more than makes up for that. I have seen what Red Bull does in terms of social media. In my opinion, they are not the best at it. As I talked about in my Groundswell paper, they need to interact with their fans more. The reason for this is to make them seem like they are a friend.

To me, social media is almost the definition of public relations. In PR, the goal is to have the company viewed in a positive light by the consumers. Social media is the perfect tool for this. It is tailor made for PR professionals because it fulfills all of the goals we are trying to achieve. It engages the consumer, which not only gets the brand name in their head, but also puts it in a positive light.

Social media in campaigns. how lucky I am that Red Bull just did this. They had many posts about the Stratos event. I would not have known about it if not for social media; I didn’t see and TV or print ads. They emphasized this, in my opinion, trivial record like it was a huge deal. And it was very cool to see a skydiver in a space suit, and the event was cool, but I had never though about the world record highest skydive. As far as day to day social media use, it should be casual, friendly postings which appeal to a large audience. Interaction is ideal because it makes the consumer feel valued.

Comments for the week of October 8


I mentioned it too, that I did not keep up with news until recently. It was more a product of not having a vested interest in what was going on than blatant neglect. It is good that you are following in your mother’s footsteps because being informed is the best way to make decisions.

Spot on about the social aspect of being informed. I love to talk about the news because when you have a discussion with someone else, it can bring up new ideas and angles that you could not think of on your own. Also, if you watch Fox News in the morning, try out “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. I know what your thinking “MSNBC is a bunch of liberal whack-jobs”. But, and I feel comfortable saying this because you said you watch Fox and I’m assuming you are not a democrat, Joe Scarborough (the host) is a republican who was a congressman in Florida, so the show is about him knocking down liberal ideas with logic and common sense which is great to watch because you learn about both sides and can clearly see which one is right.

Never Neglect National News

Do you think it is important to stay current on the news nationwide and worldwide? Why or why not? How do you keep up to date with what is happening locally, regionally, in the state and in the world?

Of course it is important to keep up with news. I did not until a couple of years ago and I look back on my former self and laugh at his ignorance and frivolity. I used to know the major stories going on, but nothing more. I wasn’t an idiot who just blatantly ignored world events, it was more a product of not being old enough to understand why I should care.

Since I have become more active is retrieving news, I feel that I have gained insight into how the world works. Let me just say that I know a lot about foreign affairs, but my main focus is national news and politics. Watching national news and listening to talk radio makes me think. I hear an idea and work through it logically to try to figure out different ways that it could work or why it wouldn’t. When you watch the news and see what other people are doing and thinking, you can’t help but examine it and apply it to your own life.

Example: I used to affiliate myself with a certain political party which, I’ll just say, most teachers would disagree with. I did it blindly and did not really know why. After my revelation of becoming a news watcher, I began to study what Republicans were saying. I started to understand their thinking. Upon doing this, I began to think what Democrats thought. So, I began to watch MSNBC, among other liberal news outlets. There are so many people on both sides of the aisle who say the other is wrong. Since I first started to study both sides by taking part in the news, I have fallen back onto the right side of the spectrum, only now, I have evidence to support my claims. My point is, without partaking in news, how can you claim you believe something? Because the news is how you gain information which helps lead you to conclusions.

Half of my news is from tv, half is from the radio. I watch the news when I wake up and in the evening, and I love to listen to Rush and Hannity during the day.  I read the Wall Street Journal and go to occasionally, but I uses I jet like my news to be read to me and I’ll pick out the important parts instead of going on a scavenger hunt to find the key pieces.

comments for week of October 1

Life before Facebook or Twitter???????

It’s funny that you talk about having a Myspace and using AIM back in the day. That is exactly what I did. I know what you mean though in regards to not knowing how you got through a day without logging into a social media site. Whenever there is a new technology, you can’t believe how you lived without it, and the picture of Professor Groover’s blog really sums that up.


Flashback to childhood…

I completely forgot about dial-up. Even then I thought “there must be a better way to do this”. When we first got Comcast I didn’t know what to do. I vividly remember my mom saying “You don’t have to  dial up anymore, it’s just always connected to the internet and it doesn’t interfere with the phone line.” I though “What a waste! Why does it need to be connected all the time?”

Pre-Social Media: A Tale of Two Lives

It is like looking at amish people, you think “What do they do all day?” I don’t really remember what it was like because I was not making mental notes of what my life was like before social media. I probably just watched tv, as opposed to today where I watch tv and check Facebook on my laptop. Thats another thing, we only had a desktop computer, so it was en event to sit down and go on it. I can remember back in middle school a close relative to todays social media, AIM. It sounds silly now, but I would go to school and hang out with my friends for 8 hours, then go home and talk to them on AIM. I think the attraction was that we thought it was an adult thing to do, use the computer. Now that I think about it, there was not much time in my life where I would have had the desire  to use social media and have been able to. I started using Myspace in middle school and would sit on the computer doing that. Obviously nothing near what we have today where I can do anything from my laptop or phone.

Speaking of which, what If all of that just disappeared? I must admit, I would not mind if there was no social media. Sure its good for businesses to connect with customers, but I don’t like the fact that the communication line is always open. I feel like since it is so easy to stay in touch with people, I have to. I find myself getting mad when someone posts a video on someone else’s wall and not mine “I like funny things too”. My life has changed because I am always thinking about what I can sendto someone else. when I think of something funny, I don’t just laugh and end it, I think “I should post that on Facebook”.